Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Today is here

Its another day
The alarm sings at 5.00 am.I switch it off for another quick snooze. It sings again half an hour later.Two alarms certainly make an impact on my foggy brain. It is time for the morning walk!

As I quickly dress myself and wear the shoes, I realize my sleep deficient state wants to hit the sack again. But the benefits of exercise outweigh that of sleep and I am propelled into the dark morning road.

The sky is still black dotted with grey balls of clouds, the sword edge of the moon crescent peeping and stars still reticent to recede. I meet my friend (She and I usually walk together) and we grunt cursory good mornings and the walk begins briskly.

I come across the following subspecies of homosapiens and I pause to ponder the two factors, probability and time linking our lives at that moment.

The security guard of the medical college campus where I work smoothening his crumpled uniform to say good morning,

A woman in a sari, both (sari and woman) sleep shrivelled, generously sprinkling a bucket of water in front of her thatched ghost of a house,

The roadside tea shop vendor, lighting his stove with the goliathian brass tea kettle blackened by years of loving service to the neighbourhood motley,

The bunk shop located in a corner, whose owner is soliciting divine blessings, emanating a breeze of burning incense sticks aroma,

A middle aged husband and wife walking team, mmm interesting...... The husband holding the tip of the corner of his dhoti in one hand and a pocket radio in the other listening to devotional morning ragas- definite multitasking skills and the wife devoutly following with her own pace,

Farther along, a long snake of trainee policemen (with a few women trainees thrown in), emerge suddenly from the gateway of their training academy, marching to full throated 'Left,Right, Left, Right' with interesting glances thrown in our direction,

Dawn has insidiously crept upon us, and the outline of mountain peaks in the distance lends romance to the morning crispness.

The town is awakening, the sounds more amplified by the caws of the hundreds of crows preparing to leave their nesting places in the huge banyan tree by the side of the road.

A group of saree clad housewives exercising their adipose laden torsos, evidently on strict physician advice and the looming threat of becoming another statistic number reinforcing the numero uno status of India in Diabetes,

Enriched by the unobtrusive intrusion of homosapien subspecies into my walk, I feel a smile creeping at the corners of my mouth.

Another day, unborn a few hours earlier, now birthed and given fresh into my hands.

Life and Time today is mine, idiosyncrasies and all........

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